Thursday, April 3, 2008

Return to Posting....

Whoa - I realized that I've been neglectful in posting anything since February 17, 2008!! Either I've been incredibly busy or pretty much slacking off from my once a week ramblings - I tend to think the later myself. So what has been going on you may ask? Well, winter in Colorado has slowly been transitioning to Spring with warmer daytime\nighttime temperatures and truly bizarre spring weather patterns during the day. For example, Thursday started off with a dusting of snow mixed with rain, nice sun/blue skies around noon, snow squalls blowing sideways at 3 PM and blue skies to wrap up the work day. Spring is a fun time of the year where the weather is schizophrenic at best leaving one to decide whether to wear a t-shirt or fleece...

So what's been going on in my life??? Easter was spent was friends at the Fowler-Hilliard hut near 11,000. The trip was complete with ham, potatoes, green bean casserole, wine, and 3 flavors of cheesecake! The Easter Bunny made his presence known as well by leaving plastic eggs along the 5-mile trek to the hut - the eggs were filled with candy and pocket shots of liquor. Apparently the Easter Bunny has started drinking excessively due to the numerous baskets he has to deliver to children... Beyond the hut trip, I spent a great weekend with Karen watching UNC basketball, eating wonderful gourmet pizza, hot tubing at Betty's Spa, and enjoying our time together.

April is proving to be incredibly busy with a 5-day teaching assignment in Albuquerque followed by a 4-day conference in Cedar City, Utah. Somewhere in the midst of this, I am volunteering with the Colorado Mountain Club's "Wilderness Trekking School" as an assistant instructor. And training for a 1/2 Marathon in May...

My good friend, Alan Arnette, has left for Nepal and his quest to summit Mount Everest. If your interest in following his trip, check out

That's about it for now - I promise to be more diligent with the updates! Until then - Climb On!

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