Thursday, November 5, 2009

The List...

Well, the Oct-izzard of 2009 (radio DJ's came up with that one, not me!) is history.  Typical of our schizophrenic weather patterns here in CO, the 2' of snow on the ground is gone and temperatures were in the 70's today.  Strange...but that's why I love living here!

Lists.  Everyone has them from David Letterman's Top 10 list to the top movies of the weekend - we're surrounded by them.  My list is a little different than most - mine has to do with summitting all 14,000' peaks in Colorado before I'm 50.  At the moment, I'm at 39 peaks and counting.  Depending on whose list you use, there are either 53, 54 or 58 14,000' peaks in CO.  For the sake of argument, I'll get the ones listed on my profile on that lists 58.  My list for 2009 should have been at 42 but weather conspired against me on a few trips this year - mostly thunderstorms and snow (in summer).  So without further adeui, here is my top 10 list for 2010:
  1. Crestone Peak
  2. Crestone Needle
  3. Castle
  4. Conundrum
  5. Kit Carson
  6. Mt. Sneffles
  7. Eolus (and N. Eolus)
  8. Windom
  9. Sunlight
  10. Wetterhorn Peak
Other extra bonus points include Maroon, Capitol, Snowmass, North Maroon Peak, Mt. Wilson, El Diente, Little Bear, and my last one - Handies Peak.    Some will be difficult, others less so.  The picture in this post is that of Pyramid Peak that I climbed this summer.  It was by far the most difficult 14er I've done to date and ranks in the top 5 of most difficult 14ers in the state.  While it challenged me mentally & physically, I thoroughly enjoyed this peak.   So there you have it, my list for 14ers to attempt in 2010 - we'll see how the summer climbing season is after this winter that has only started.  Climb On!

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